

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Develop a strategic plan that will:

> Define how your business will achieve its goals

> Maximise the $ potential of your business

> Articulate the main points of difference from your competitors

> Unite and focus the efforts of your team

> Provide clear parameters for decision-making

> Facilitate increased profitability, growth and longevity

Contact us now

 What does Clarity™ achieve?

With Clarity™ you will:

  • Consider all the relevant issues and opportunities
  • Synthesise the views of your leadership team
  • Define a clear plan of action to achieve your goals
  • Summarise your plan in a simple, clear way to share with your wider team
  • Use our dynamic planning approach to enable your plan to remain current and relevant

Who is ClarityTM for?

Senior and Middle Managers who:

  • need to update or develop their strategic plan
  • want to apply proven techniques
  • want to ensure they tap into the capabilities and knowledge of their team
  • value an objective, professional perspective
  • want to achieve a cohesive, robust plan, well understood and supported by their team.

What time commitment is involved?

ClarityTM requires 1-2 days depending on the size of your team and complexity of business.

1-2 hrs of the GM/CEO or business owner’s time is also needed to liaise with us as we design a planning process that suits the needs and style of your organisation.

 Yes I am interested.  What is my next step?

Contact us today by phone or email.

 What does Clarity™ include?

Clarity™ includes:

  • Needs analysis and session design
  • Preparation of agenda and pre-planning info pack
  • Provision of relevant strategic planning tools
  • Activate’s strategic planning framework (SPF)
  • Customisation of SPF to suit your business terminology and current tools
  • Facilitation of strategic planning session with your team
  • Senior / Owner manager debrief

 What is the price?


1 day strategic planning session:


2 day strategic planning session:


Excludes venue and refreshment costs.
Travel and accommodation outside Auckland charged at cost.

What our Clients say about Clarity™

FAQs about Clarity™

We want to do our planning offsite. Do you have a venue?

We use a range of venues giving you choices of facilities, feel and price.

We are not Auckland based. Can you still help us?

Yes we are happy to come to you.  (Who doesn’t love traveling around beautiful NZ?!)  We have also conducted strategic planning sessions in Australia.

Travel and accommodation costs will be charged at cost and we will liaise with you beforehand to ensure they are within your budget.

Can you do strategic planning for Boards?

Yes we understand Governance strategic planning requirements.

Lisa has completed the residential Directors Course with the Institute of Directors and has been a Director for 18 years.

Would you like to explore if Clarity™ is right for you?

Contact us now

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