Strategy and Planning

Strategy and Planning

In order to lead your team and earn their support, you need to clarify what you want to achieve and how you propose to achieve it.

Having a clear strategy, supported by action plans is an effective way to engage and align your team.  It also enables your team to understand and contribute to implementing your strategy.

“The thing to do with the future is not to forecast it, but to create it.  The objective of planning should be to design a desirable future and to invent ways to bring it about”

Robert Ackoff

Strategy and Planning Tips

What is strategy?

There is a lot of hoo-ha around 'strategy'. But is strategy really that complex to understand? Simply put, 'strategy' is how, in general, you intend to achieve your goals.  As there are ...

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Strategy and Planning Services:

Strategic Planning Facilitation
Strategic Planning Training
Business Model Clarification
Business Model Mini Workshop

Other topics to explore:

If you are interested in Strategy and would like assistance or information

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