



Explore your options and decide your best step forward.

Activate provide a complimentary consultation to help identify the best way forward for you and your business.

Contact us today

“Activate have been a sounding board for my ideas, I wouldn’t be without their services.”


 Mike Plain

Owner Manager, Auckland Heat Pumps Ltd

I What achieve

What does ExploreTM achieve?

Explore™ will help you identify:

  • What you want to achieve
  • Strengths to protect and build on
  • Areas requiring development
  • Opportunities for growth
  • Specific steps to take

I What time

What time is involved?

Allow 60-90 mins for your Explore™ session.

I Who is x for

Who is ExploreTM for?

Explore™ is for any manager looking for objective, professional advice.

I Price

What is the price?

Explore ™ is complimentary

(value $375+GST)

I Where cuppa

Where is ExploreTM held?

We can come to you, or meet over a coffee.

Whichever you prefer.

I Yes I am interested

Yes I am interested. What is my next step?

Contact us today by phone or email to arrange a time to meet.

Contact us now

“If you want something you have never had, then you have got to do something you have never done”

Would you like an objective, experienced sounding board?

Contact us now

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