

Learn proven management techniques and tools to improve performance

All our learning and development services and courses are delivered through Equip Learning Limited.  Click here for more information about Equip Learning.

We deliver in-house training workshops covering all the key organisational management areas.

Below are our standard workshops.  They can be sliced and diced to suit your specific needs.


Effective Governance Practices

Learn effective governance practices to successfully direct your organisation

After completing Learn Effective Governance Practices you will be able to:

  • Explain your responsibilities as a Director
  • Apply a framework of governance responsibilities to ensure the Board are effectively meeting these responsibilities
  • Ensure the organisation has a clear purpose and plan to fulfil it
  • Identify and implement governance standards and processes to achieve an effective governance culture and operation
  • Develop a specific work plan for the Board
  • Manage the General Manager/Chief Executive
  • Ensure the Board receive the necessary reporting information
  • Implement a board self-review
  • Prepare a Board development and succession plan
  • Identify ways to remain aware of current legislative requirements
  • Implement policies and monitoring practices to ensure legislative compliance

Enquire about 'Learn Effectivene GovernanceTM' now

Strategic Planning

Learn how to establish a clear plan to achieve your goals

After completing Learn Strategic PlanningTM you will be able to:

  • Identify the key planning considerations for your organisation
  • Design a planning process to addresses these considerations
  • Effectively include your team in strategic planning
  • Use a range of planning tools to improve discussion and thinking in the areas of:
    • Growth strategies
    • Stakeholder analysis
    • Market analysis
    • Competitive strength
    • Internal capability
  • Summarise your decisions into a clear plan
  • Communicate your plan to your wider team
  • Track your progress against your plan
  • Integrate your plan into ‘business as usual’

Enquire about 'Learn Strategic PlanningTM' now

Leading and Managing

Learn how to excel in your management roleS!

After completing Learn Leading and ManagingTM you will be able to:

  • Define the four roles within all management positions:
    • Leading
    • Managing
    • Technical expert
    • Management Team member
  • Explain the impact of each role on employee performance
  • Demonstrate the competencies required in each role
  • Distinguish which role is appropriate for a specific situation and act accordingly
  • Explain how the proportions of each role differ between management positions
  • Identify the relevance and proportion of each role for your management position
  • Identify your strengths, weaknesses and preference for each role
  • Integrate the four roles into a cohesive management style for yourself
  • Develop a specific action plan to improve your effectiveness in each role

Enquire about 'Learn Leading and ManagingTM' now

Maximising Employee Performance

Learn how to maximise the performance of your employees

After completing Learn Maximising Employee PerformanceTM you will be able to:

  • Describe the 5 factors that influence employee engagement and performance
  • Explain the difference between engagement and performance
  • Define the performance requirements of your employees
  • Recruit for the 3 essential qualities every employee must have
  • Choose and use, key drivers of employee engagement that suit your style, to increase engagement
  • Choose and use, key drivers of employee performance that suit your style, to increase performance
  • Distinguish between different theories of motivation
  • Identify the specific motivations of your employees
  • Evaluate and tailor your communications to match the motivation of an employee
  • Avoid the actions that decrease employee engagement and performance
  • Apply a simple framework to identify the cause of a performance problem and resolve it.

Enquire about 'Learn Maximising Employee PerformanceTM' now

Essential KPIs

Learn how to identify and use the measures that matter to your business

After completing Learn Essential KPIsTM you will be able to:

  • Identify the KPIs unique to your organisational strategies and goals
  • Set up KPI dashboards which are valued by your team
  • Apply the 5 key rules of effective dashboards
  • Facilitate ongoing team understanding, ownership and use of KPIs
  • Break organisational KPIs down to meaningful team and individual KPIs
  • Explain how KPIs relate to remuneration, incentive and reward schemes
  • Integrate your KPIs into your performance management systems
  • Avoid the common KPI mistakes
  • Overcome resistance to using KPIs
  • Integrate KPIs into daily decision-making for improved performance

Enquire about 'Learn Essential KPIsTM' now

Fat Free Systems

Learn how to improve your business systems without the fat procedure manuals

After completing Learn Fat Free SystemsTM you will be able to:

  • Design systems which increase efficiency and effectiveness
  • Design systems your people will use
  • Prioritise and plan what needs to be systemised
  • Implement new systems and/or system changes successfully
  • Review existing systems to identify why they are not working, and fix them
  • Describe the 5 essential elements of any system
  • Explain the importance of culture in system design
  • Avoid the 3 common systemising mistakes
  • Apply a step by step method to systemise anything
  • Develop a practical plan for systemising more of your business
  • Successfully involve your team in systemising more of your business

Enquire about 'Learn Fat Free Systems' now

Increasing Personal Effectiveness

Learn how to increase your ability to achieve more

After completing Learn Increasing Personal Effectiveness you will be able to:

  • Prioritise your responsibilities
  • Implement time management strategies that suit your workstyle and increase your productivity
  • Deal with interruptions and minimise procrastination
  • Recognise and respond to different behaviour styles
  • Demonstrate assertive communication and behaviours
  • Identify your attitudes towards conflict
  • Identify, analyse and reduce workplace conflict
  • Give constructive feedback
  • Design and run effective and efficient meetings
  • Define and analyse a problem
  • Generate solutions to a problem
  • Decide on a specific course of action

Enquire about 'Learn Increasing Personal EffectivenessTM' now

I Who is x for

Who is LearnTM for?

Leaders and Managers who want to learn proven ways to increase their effectiveness and achieve improved results.

I Where

What is LearnTM held?

Learn™ workshops can be held onsite or online.

Onsite workshops can be your workplace if you have a suitable meeting or training room.  Or we have access to different venues if you prefer to work offsite.

I What time

What time is involved?

Each standard workshop is 1 day.

We can tailor workshops to suit your time frame.

From a 3 day intensive training block to a series of weekly breakfast or lunchtime sessions held over 2 months, our workshops can be delivered in the time frame that suits you and your team.

I Price

What does LearnTM cost?

Learn™ workshops can be a cost effective way to develop your management team as they are priced on time, rather than the number of attendees.

Learn™ workshops rates depend on the duration and location (onsite/online) of the workshop.


All Learn™ workshops:

> Can be tailored to suit your specific needs

> Use practical, proven methods

> Can incorporate your business strategy and systems

> Are hands-on with lots of application

> Include templates and real world examples

> Focus on where and how to apply the learning

> Are enjoyable and interactive

> Include workbooks for ongoing reference

Contact us now

Learn™ workshops are eligible for Funding

If you have 50 or less staff, up to $5000 is available per year towards 50% of the cost of training your team.

More about NZTE funding

I Yes I am interested Yes I am interested. What is my next step?

Contact us today by phone or email to explore your specific needs and goals.

Would you like to explore which Learn™ workshops are right for your team?

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