BoostTM standard

Keep your momentum going BoostTM is coaching for Activate clients who have completed one of our services and would like to maintain their momentum by continuing to: develop their skills, have accountability and tap into an objective, professional perspective. Why is BoostTM usually only for service graduates? We believe in order to effectively coach a manager there are some core tools and habits that need to be in place first.  For example, clear goals, a robust strategy, guiding KPIs and effective management systems. We have different programmes to implement these core tools and habits efficiently and effectively through a combined approach of consulting, training and coaching. See below for the programme that suits you. What time is involved? Coaching sessions are 1.5 or 2 hrs. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly or ...

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ExploreTM standard

  Explore your options and decide your best step forward. Activate provide a complimentary consultation to help identify the best way forward for you and your business.“Activate have been a sounding board for my ideas, I wouldn't be without their services."  Mike Plain Owner Manager, Auckland Heat Pumps Ltd What does ExploreTM achieve? Explore™ will help you identify: What you want to achieve Strengths to protect and build on Areas requiring development Opportunities for growth Specific steps to take What time is involved? Allow 60-90 mins for your Explore™ session. Who is ExploreTM for? Explore™ is for any manager looking for objective, professional advice. What is the price? Explore ™ is complimentary (value $375+GST) Where is ExploreTM held? We can come to you, or meet over a coffee. Whichever you prefer. Yes I am interested. What is my next step? Contact us today ...

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ThriveTM standard

Ensure your business can thrive with or without you Implement the strategies, systems and teamwork to ensure sustainable success. “Activate have helped us manage our substantial growth by providing us with practical tools and analysis. They've helped us understand the financial, staff and process side of our business better, putting in systems to manage it more effectively. Throughout it all, they've helped us focus on what's really important to our business, and keep up with our growth.” Darren Black Owner Manager, Pool Magic What does ThriveTM achieve? Activate Thrive™ is business consulting and coaching to: Increase the profitability and value of your business Develop a clear strategic plan Increase the engagement, ownership and performance of your team Improve the efficiency of your systems and processes Advance your leadership and management skills Develop ...

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