

Ensure your leadership and management teams advance your strategy and achieve measurable results


I What is x

What is AdvanceTM?

AdvanceTM is a consulting and training programme for all levels of your management team to achieve aligned and effective implementation of your strategy.

AdvanceTM includes application of our strategic management method and training in the essential skills of strategic management.

AdvanceTM utilises your strategy and systems as part of the management training process, resulting in greater strategic alignment and owners

I What achieve

What does AdvanceTM achieve?

Advance™ delivers:

  • Practical tools to define and communicate your strategy
  • A simple way to communicate your strategy to your whole organisation
  • A more cohesive, aligned management team
  • Improved leadership and management capability
  • An organisation-wide, results-focussed approach
  • Integration of strategic development and business as usual
  • Increased organisational ability to identify, assess and achieve performance improvements

I What include

What does AdvanceTM involve?

Advance™ has 3 parts:


  • Clarification of strategy, alignment and current performance

2. Senior Management Team

  • Training in Strategic Management
  • Applying Strategic Management method to current practices
  • Leadership and Management training in ‘managing through managers’ as required

3. Middle Management Team

  • Alignment with Strategic objectives
  • Training in balancing strategy implementation with operations
  • Leadership and Management training as required

I What time

What time is involved?


  • 2-3 x 2 hr working sessions
  • Coaching in Strategic Management and Leadership as required

2. Senior Management Team

  • 3 hr Strategic Management training session
  • 1-2 x 2 hr working sessions to apply Strategic Management method to current systems and practices
  • Leadership and Management training as required

3. Middle Management Team

  • 4-6 x 4 hr training sessions utilising strategic management approach, integrating organisational strategy & system and covering core leadership and management capabilities
  • Optional workplace-based projects to apply learning

I Who is x for

Who is AdvanceTM for?

Senior and Middle Managers looking for practical, proven systems and skills to define, communicate, implement and measure their strategy.

Advance™ is unique:

> We use your strategies and systems to upskill your team which achieves greater strategic alignment, understanding and ownership of your strategic priorities.

> Advance™ applies our Strategic Management method (Deliver™) which overcomes the 5 key challenges of strategy implementation.

More about DeliverTM

I Yes I am interested   Yes I am interested. What is my next step?

Contact us today by phone or email to explore your specific needs and goals.

FAQs about Advance™

What if we don't have a strategic plan?

No problem, we are able to help you and your team prepare your strategic plan.

Our strategic planning method will ensure your plan is robust and can easily be updated to ensure it remains relevant and an essential management tool.

See our strategic planning service ClarityTM for more information.

How will you incorporate our own strategy and systems?

We specialise in organisational management, so are able to quickly identify and understand the key systems and practices that drive behavior in your organisation.

We then work with you to ensure these systems and practices are aligned to your strategy and support successful implementation.

Your organisation is unique in many ways: industry, competitive difference, culture, we tailor all content to ensure we support this uniqueness.

Some of the ways we do this is incorporating your own strategies and systems in the training material and involving senior managers in middle manager training sessions.

What if we have specific training needs?

All training sessions will be tailored to suit your specific needs.

There is no need to cover areas where your management team are already competent.

The training sessions will be customised to develop capability in the areas identified as needing development.

Where are the training sessions held?

Typically sessions are held on-site at your premises.

If you would prefer to work off-site, then we utilise the training rooms at the EMA (Employers and Manufacturers Association) at 159 Khyber Pass, Grafton.

We are not based in Auckland. Can we still do AdvanceTM?

Yes it is very likely Advance™ can be run with you and your team.

Contact us today to discuss how this could be done.

Would you like to explore if Advance™ is right for your organisation?

Contact us now

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