Business DNATM

Business DNATM

Define and maximise what is core, unique and valuable about your business


I What is x

What is Business DNATM?

Business DNATM is a one page tool Activate have developed to concisely summarise your business model, principals and aspirations.

What is a business model?

It is important to understand, review and communicate your business model to your team as it drives all activity in your business.

I What achieve

What does Business DNATM achieve?

With Business DNA™ you will have:

  • A concise one-page summary of your business model (What is a business model?)
  • A simple, effective way to unite and focus your team.
  • A purpose and direction for your business that your team can understand, identify with and contribute to
  • Clear parameters for decision-making
  • A framework in which your team can explore and present useful ideas for business improvement

If required, we can help you maximise your business model.

I Who is x for

Who is Business DNATM for?

Senior and Owner Managers looking to increase engagement and performance by clearly defining and communicating their business model, principals and direction to their team .

What does Business DNATM involve?

Business DNA™ involves a consulting session where we work through a series of processes together, to define and maximise your business model.

You may also include some of your team in this process.

I Why hard

Why is defining my Business DNA TM hard?

It can be difficult to articulate your Business DNA™ because it is closely aligned to your personal values and work ethic. Core business assumptions and principles can be taken for granted because they are personal and ingrained.

This can make it difficult for business owners and senior managers to objectively identify what makes their business truly unique. It also makes it hard to communicate this uniqueness to your team so they can support, replicate and contribute to it.


I How we help

How does Activate help?

Our objective perspective and proven process will help identify, define and capture your Business DNA™ in a way that crystallises your business vision, model and strategies.

At the end of the session you will have a concise, visual summary that articulates the aspirations, principles and direction of your business.

Your Business DNA™ can then be shared with your team and other stakeholders to guide behaviour and decision-making.

We will also explain how to utilise your Business DNA™ with your team, both initially, and in every day use.

I What time

What time is required?

Business DNATM will take between 0.5 – 1 day, depending on the complexity of your business, and the number of your team involved.

If you wish to explore maximising your business model in greater detail, this will need another 0.5 – 1 day.

Clarity of purpose is a key driver of team success

Would you like to see some Business DNATM examples?

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I Yes I am interested

Yes I am interested.  What is my next step?

Contact us today by phone or email.


Would you like to explore if Business DNA™ is right for your organisation?

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