Categories ArchivesSelf Management

How to make better decisions standard

In these crazy-busy times, it is easy to develop a knee-jerk approach to decision-making. So what can you do to make it easier to 'hop in the helicopter' to gain a more informative perspective?  Hop in the helicopter 'Hopping in the helicopter' means getting above the noise and busyness to gain a clearer understanding of an issue. Being in the helicopter enables you to see things you couldn't when in the thick of things.  From the helicopter you can see patterns, opportunities and even the significance of the issue. So how can you make it easier to hop in the helicopter? Track your KPIs over time Assessing a single measure in time gives no indication of the direction it is taking. It is essential ...

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What do you want to achieve in your business? standard

We all have our reasons for being in business - what are yours? And more importantly, what do you want to achieve next with your business? Why what you want matters As the owner of your business, your business exists to serve you. As the leader of your business, your passion and commitment to your business, or lack of, influences your whole team. Therefore it is important to clarify your personal goals for your business, before working on the business goals you will share with your team. So, what do you want from your business? Increased profitability and cashflow? Are you working hard, but not seeing the financial rewards? Growth? There is no point growing your business, if the headaches are only going to grow too.  Why is growth ...

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