

Keep your momentum going

BoostTM is coaching for Activate clients who have completed one of our services and would like to maintain their momentum by continuing to: develop their skills, have accountability and tap into an objective, professional perspective.

Why is BoostTM usually only for service graduates?

We believe in order to effectively coach a manager there are some core tools and habits that need to be in place first.  For example, clear goals, a robust strategy, guiding KPIs and effective management systems.

We have different programmes to implement these core tools and habits efficiently and effectively through a combined approach of consulting, training and coaching.

See below for the programme that suits you.

I What time

What time is involved?

Coaching sessions are 1.5 or 2 hrs.

Sessions can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

I What include

What does BoostTM include?

BoostTM includes:

  • ongoing business planning
  • coaching sessions
  • ‘how to’ guides, tools and templates
  • performance tracking against targets and goals

Combined coaching, training and consulting programmes

For Owner Managers:
For Senior and Middle Managers:
Or consider our training and development programme for Owner Managers:

FAQs about Boost™

I have robust management tools in place. Can I do BoostTM?

Yes is you already have the below in place, then you are eligible to do BoostTM

  • Clear goals
  • Business or strategic plan
  • KPIs/Dashboard
  • Planning, communicating and coordinating systems
I have completed EquipTM. Can I do BoostTM?

Yes as EquipTM includes implementing the key management tools and techniques, EquipTM graduates are eligible for BoostTM

Where are the coaching sessions held?

Typically sessions are held on-site at your premises, so we can access any relevant information or people.

If you would prefer to work off-site, then this can be arranged.

Would you like to explore if Boost™ is right for you?

Contact us now

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