Ensure your leadership and management teams advance your strategy and achieve measurable results
What is AdvanceTM?
AdvanceTM is a consulting and training programme for all levels of your management team to achieve aligned and effective implementation of your strategy.
AdvanceTM includes application of our strategic management method and training in the essential skills of strategic management.
AdvanceTM utilises your strategy and systems as part of the management training process, resulting in greater strategic alignment and owners
What does AdvanceTM achieve?
Advance™ delivers:
Practical tools to define and communicate your strategy
A simple way to communicate your strategy to your whole organisation
A more cohesive, aligned management team
Improved leadership and management capability
An organisation-wide, results-focussed approach
Integration of strategic development and business as usual
Increased organisational ability to identify, assess and achieve ...
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Keep your momentum going
BoostTM is coaching for Activate clients who have completed one of our services and would like to maintain their momentum by continuing to: develop their skills, have accountability and tap into an objective, professional perspective.
Why is BoostTM usually only for service graduates?
We believe in order to effectively coach a manager there are some core tools and habits that need to be in place first. For example, clear goals, a robust strategy, guiding KPIs and effective management systems.
We have different programmes to implement these core tools and habits efficiently and effectively through a combined approach of consulting, training and coaching.
See below for the programme that suits you.
What time is involved?
Coaching sessions are 1.5 or 2 hrs.
Sessions can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly or ...
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Define and maximise what is core, unique and valuable about your business
What is Business DNATM?
Business DNATM is a one page tool Activate have developed to concisely summarise your business model, principals and aspirations.
What is a business model?
It is important to understand, review and communicate your business model to your team as it drives all activity in your business.
What does Business DNATM achieve?
With Business DNA™ you will have:
A concise one-page summary of your business model (What is a business model?)
A simple, effective way to unite and focus your team.
A purpose and direction for your business that your team can understand, identify with and contribute to
Clear parameters for decision-making
A framework in which your team can explore and present useful ideas for business ...
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“A goal without a plan is just a wish."
Develop a strategic plan that will:
> Define how your business will achieve its goals
> Maximise the $ potential of your business
> Articulate the main points of difference from your competitors
> Unite and focus the efforts of your team
> Provide clear parameters for decision-making
> Facilitate increased profitability, growth and longevity
What does Clarity™ achieve?
With Clarity™ you will:
Consider all the relevant issues and opportunities
Synthesise the views of your leadership team
Define a clear plan of action to achieve your goals
Summarise your plan in a simple, clear way to share with your wider team
Use our dynamic planning approach to enable your plan to remain current and relevant
Who is ClarityTM for?
Senior and ...
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Define the team you need and what you require from each member.
"You don't build a business, you build people. And then people build the business."
Zig Ziglar
What does DefineTM achieve?
With Define™ you will:
Identify the team you need now and in the future
Define the specific responsibilities and performance requirements of each role
Empower your team to contribute more
Clarify the employee development and recruitment required to meet future business needs
What does DefineTM include?
Define™ can include any or all of the following:
Review of current structure
Assessment of current team's performance and potential
Map of future organisational structure and roles
Succession plan
Employee development plans
Individual role descriptions with performance requirements
Who is DefineTM for?
Define™ is for business owners and senior managers who want to ensure they:
Have the right team
Delegate clearly to their team
Empower their ...
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Ensure your strategy delivers results
“90% of organisations fail to execute their strategies successfully."
Source: Balanced Scorecard Collaborative
DeliverTM is a simple, effective strategic management method designed to ensure agile planning, strategic alignment and successful implementation.
Deliver on your strategy by having your team all paddling in the same direction and able to adapt quickly.
What is DeliverTM?
DeliverTM is a consulting programme for General and Senior Managers to learn and implement an effective strategic management method.
"95% of a typical workforce does not understand its organisations' strategy"
Source: Balanced Scorecard Collaborative
What does DeliverTM achieve?
Deliver™ will help you achieve measurable results with:
A dynamic strategic planning method
A simple way to communicate your strategy to your whole organisation
Integration of strategic development and business as usual
An organisation-wide, results-focussed approach
A cohesive, aligned ...
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